
Monday, August 9, 2010

And this is why I teach...

I got this email from a parent today:

Hi Mrs. Burke,

I just wanted to share with you that {my daughter} entered 54 items in the county fair this year. She walked away with lots of blue ribbons and a special award for receiving the most exhibitor points this year. On many of her pictures the judges wrote "great use of space and color". {my daughter} said, "well that's because Mrs. Burke taught us how to fill up the whole paper and use lots of color."
So I just wanted to thank you for inspiring and teaching {my daughter} all that you have. It was quite a thrill for her to enter so much art at the fair this year.

How awesome is that? The student was in 2nd grade I have included a sampling of her work. I am always so honored when parents share what their children say about my art class. They take the time to email and I am very grateful. This comes at a perfect time as summer is winding down and it is going to get VERY busy in the next two weeks as I start back a week from today. I am going to deliver some stuff to my room today and get some fliers ready for meet your teacher night. You will all probably hear the groans worldwide when I tell my son he has to go to school with me today!!


  1. that is so sweet. I can't wait until I can teach! Thanks for visiting My Junk Drawer. I am following back.

  2. Don't you just love letters like that? Congratulations!
