
Friday, August 13, 2010

Finally... SchoolArts is here!

Back in July I received the digital version of my favorite Art Education magazine, SchoolArts. I have every issue back to September 2004 when I started in the Art Education program at George Mason.

I almost don't like getting it digitally because I read it all and then when it comes in the mail it isn't a big surprise! I finally got my print version today and it is extra special because I HAVE A LESSON IN IT!! AND a colleague of mine, a fellow GMU MAT alum, Sarah D. Brooks wrote the front cover article.

This was one of my goals, getting published and I have been keeping in the back of my mind what topic or lesson I want to submit an article about. Back in June Nancy Walkup posted on her blog that they needed ClipCards for the next few issues. So I jumped on it and sent her two different ones, both of which will be published! Pretty good start, I'd say!

So here is my ClipCard Elementary Lesson on Jim Dine:
Tune in next month for an Early Childhood lesson that simulates stained glass...


  1. Congrats on getting published! I've thought about submitting so many times, but never follow through. Maybe I will!

    I'm feeling a little blue hearing about the new School Arts magazine, because I stopped getting it a year ago. I'd been getting it for like 20 years (yes, really!) and I started seeing lesson repeats quite frequently, so I couldn't justify the expense. But you are right, it is so fun to get it in the mail, and you can't get the digital version without a mail subscription.

  2. Phyl - there is a new editor - one of the changes I loved is the paper the cover is printed on - I know little things. It is so shimery and tactile! I believe you can get a trial digital version to check it out.
    Now - send your stuff in!!

  3. Wasn't that so cool that Sara's lesson is featured on the cover?????? And congrats on your addition to the issue! Too cool. Wow! I like the hard copy better too. I rarely go back to the digital issues as a reference, but often do to the hard copies. jan
