
Monday, August 30, 2010

Thanks Mr. E!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well my total obsession with my art ed blogs has just paid off. I check my blogs like email and anxiously await the next post... While I was vegitating in front of the tv watching the best movie of all time: GREASE, I was winning a contest by Mr. E. He is going to hand make a bulletin board for my art room ~ Whoo hoo!
Ok that big picture of me is really scary so I will have to return the favor.
I am going to decide and measure my empty wall tomorrow! Here are some samples of his awesome boards:
So which should I choose??


  1. Or I'll make ya something totally you!! Tell me the phrase...images...colors....and it's yours. Just let me know. :)

  2. Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! Lucky you! That is without a doubt the best prize ever. Man!

  3. Did I tell you that there was a time limit on collecting your prize???? :) ha ha Kidding..just let me know when you get a chance.

  4. its a rough week of after school meetings - I have been thinking about it though!

  5. Totally just let me know when ya have some time! :) Hope your week gets better.
