
Monday, November 15, 2010

Seattle Bound

It is official! I have some funding from my school and I just officially registered to attend the National Art Education Convention in Seattle, Washington.
I am really excited about attending:
  1. This will be the first National Convention I have been able to attend since Grad school. I went to Boston in 05, Chicago in 06 and New York in 07. George Mason helped pay for those travels.
  2. I live in Virginia and my Mom, step dad and my sister and her family live in Kirkland, WA.
  3. My mom turns 60 on March 12th. I surprised her in Washington on her 50th 10 years ago so it is kind of a tradition! 
  4. I miss my family (my nieces especially) and look forward to seeing them! 
  5. I love getting new ideas and new perspectives on Art Ed. 
  6. Signed up for a Chihuly tour! 
  7. Will I get to meet any of my blogger buddies?? 
So I will have two nights in the convention hotel and the rest either at my mom or my sister's. I have already lined up a good sub and will work with him on some lessons - he already teaches a graphic design elective for me so I know he will be great and I won't have to worry about my students missing out on any learning!

So are any of you out there going?? Let me know!


  1. lucky you. I can't wait until the convention comes to the east coast. next year? nyc?

  2. I've never been to a national convention. It's a challenge every year to get my district to approve my attendance at my state convention!

  3. I really really want to go....but don't think it is going to happen. Our district/school won't help at all unless it is math/reading. With my wife and I hoping to have baby 2 by the end of summer..and her not going back to work...I just can't justify the cost. :( It makes me sad...never been to National.

  4. Bummer ~ I am so thankful I have a great principal - she is allocating some grant money because she did not pay for my state convention last year.

  5. I went to the convention in New Orleans in 08. It was awesome! And New Orleans was such a great city. I want to go to another one so bad. My district won't pay unless it's in state... Booo
    Have fun and take notes for everyone!!
