
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Art Teacher Workshop Revitalizes!

I must say I have had a very blah week and have been just trudging through ~ you know you have them once in a while! Today I went to a Teacher workshop on simple book making and it was great. Being in a room with other teachers learning and creating!
Here is what I made in just 2 hours:
Here is the star book ~ Which I already knew how to make and posted a how to on it here.

Then we used a few techniques of using one page and cutting in a select spot then folding to make a book. This one is made out of a wallpaper sample:

This one is also a single piece of paper - with a cover and ribbon ties:



Next was a hole punched book with a simple stitched binding with buttons and beads added.
TGIF ~ I have a fairly easy schedule on Fridays (shh don't tell anyone.) And I get to teach my Art Photo Elective! Will share more about the book making later ~ wanted to show off my productivity before going to bed!


  1. I love your books, especially the one with the beaded decoration.(I like anything that uses beads!) I'd love to attend a class like this. Unfortunately, it's tough to find in my neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing!

  2. wonderful to experience being with others of like minds:)

  3. Love the books. I really like the star and will try it soon. Thanks so much for listing me on your blog! I am trying to build a following and it is nice to see other art teachers supporting me. Would love to hear about your photography class!

  4. Isn't book making fun? Your books are very cute, I like your colour choices!
