
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Everyday Silliness

Last week I started Carla Sonheim's Online class: The Art Of Silliness 2.
What fun! Each morning I check in to the blog, download my silly worksheet for the day and leave it on my desk. Then I can think about the topic and daydream about what I am going to do for the assignment throughout my day. Gives me a little mental silly break, silly mental break, mental break down...

Here are a few of the things I have created as a result of the assignments so far.

My fave:


  1. How fun to have an assignment. Sometimes it is so hard to get motivated all on my own. jan

  2. I've see your work on Flickr, I'm also taking the Art of Silliness 2!!! I actually found your blog on arted20 which I just joined. I love your worksheets so far :)
