
Monday, October 25, 2010

Fundraiser Lessons - 4th Grade

Abstracting an Object

I start off with a power point about the life and work of American artist, Georgia O'Keefe.

We talk about how she abstracts objects by simplifying the shapes, moving in close, using a limited color palette.

I have lemons, oranges, peppers and fake flowers available for the students to draw. They get a sheet of four thumbnails and practice moving in close and touching all four sides and creating interesting negative space. They pick their favorite to create a final drawing in chalk pastel.

Here is a student's thumbnails and how he enlarged it onto the final paper.

Next I show students how to mix two analogous colors when coloring to give more depth to their picture. Every section had to be colored with analogous colors.

We talked about choosing wisely for the background color to make sure there was a contrast and you could tell which was the object and which was the background. 

 My fave from last year: I love the lines...


  1. Just wanted to say that I LOVE the new LOOK! Great job - Susan

  2. I agree with Susan - awesome template design!

  3. thanks - was hunting for something brighter and artsier!
