
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fundraiser Lessons - 5th Grade

Illuminated Letters

I did this lesson last year with much success in a square format. I blogged about it here. So this year the main difference was the Original Works 8 x 10.5 size. I had them make a border the width of the ruler. We used regular colored pencils and metallic paint. The metallic looks a little odd in the final reproductions on the magnets (which is probably why they suggest no metallics. :-)
Some really go the idea of shading with the pencils - pressing down hard in some areas and not so in others. I really emphasize the idea of the vine wrapping around the letter and show them how to make it look like it is really wrapping and not like a striped barber pole.
The B is my son's - He did a great job for being Mr. I Hate Art (which he says just to get to me). He's got it whether he wants it or not!


 I wish we had finished with the sharpies - but we ran out of time!


  1. These are AWESOME. What a greata fundraiser project, but you must have a later deadline than me! Mine were all handed in at least a week ago.

  2. our magnets went home last week - deadline for orders this friday. We also started school Aug 23rd!!

  3. I forgot to ask - what grade level did these?
