Saturday, April 24, 2010
Fauquier County Arts Festival
The Fauquier County Arts Festival was April 16th and 17th this year. The week before the 4th grade music performance and the same weekend as the VA Sports Complex Frozen Ropes Baseball tournament in Ruthgers Glen, VA - outside of Richmond. Needless to say I was a little stressed and very busy!

Luckily my principal was attending and helped me deliver my display back to our school, which happens to be right behind the high school where the art show was. The I rushed home to let the dogs out and hopped in the car and got to the last few innings of the first game of the baseball tournament!
I still do...
Haven't seen me here in a long while - time to catch up! First I had an anniversary. My husband and I celebrated being married for 15 years on April 8th, 2010.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Spring Break... is over
Creative Every Day Challenge for April is the 5 Senses. I think my Spring Break recap can cover them all.
Today was my first day back to work after being on Spring Break for 10 days. It started out slow then picked up steam as the week went on. We relaxed the first few days and put out some calls for play dates for Bailey. Since I didn't want to sit around doing nothing waiting for the phone to ring I decided we would go to the Zoo on Tuesday. The weather had not quite turned yet there was a threat of rain and it was very windy. So I put on three shirts packed a towel and an umbrella and set the GPS (even though I didn't follow it). I enjoyed driving through DC showing Bailey where I went to school at The Corcoran School of Art(sight), where the monuments are and how my friends used to ride the metro out to the zoo when we were in High School. A lot of things were still closed but we had a good time and I had fun photographing all the textures (sight). Bailey said he liked the Prairie Dogs best - it was fun because they were so close. Throughout the zoo they were mulching (smell) the landscaping so the animals didn't smell too bad!
It was an exhibition game because the Sox usually don't play the Nationals in the regular season. The Red Sox beat them with ease! Bailey and I enjoyed our baseball favorite - sunflower seeds, as well as hot dogs and cracker jacks (taste) to make it a true all american day we were just missing the apple pie! We also watched the Red Sox opening game against the Yankees. It was an awesome game and the Red Sox won! Great way to start off the season, I hope they can keep it up and shut up all the Yankee fans this season!
We enjoyed a car trip to see the land my father-in-law just purchased in Cumberland County Virginia. It was interesting setting out on this two hour trip and to not really end up anywhere. It was Easter Sunday so I felt like we should have been going to Grandma's house. And it was a little upsetting to finally 'arrive' and not be able to go tot he bathroom! The only thing on the land was a mailbox, a rusty can, pricker bushes (touch) and a dead dear (smell). There was a small stream (hearing) and a few abandoned sheds, too. Most of the property we couldn't get to using the four wheelers. My husband is already plotting the large equipment he wants to bring back next time!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Going to the zoo definately uses all your senses! My son and I went to the National Zoo in Washignton, DC during our Spring Break. It was still a little chilly - and a lot windy but at least it didn't rain like they were calling for. I figured it would be better if we went when the weather was a little off instead of when it warmed up and then everyone would be there! It was a nice walk and I enjoyed taking pictures of all the wonderful textures! Here is a little collage I put together...